Gorilla Tracking in Nkuringo Vs Buhoma Vs Ruhijja Vs Rushaga

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s 321sq km expanse is made of four wings, Rushaga, Ruhijja, Buhoma and Nkuringo. Beyond offering endearing gorilla tracking experiences, each of these zones is endowed with flora and fauna that have a wow effect on the senses. Here is what to expect of them ahead of your visit. 


If you wish to discover what its like to be in a truly impenetrable forest, Nkuringo will awaken your sense of wonder. It is a vast highland where the lowland and montane vegetation zones meet, creating a dense jungle that is dominated by thick herbs, vines and shrubs. Considering that not everybody is as tiny as an insect to get past its impenetrable state, new trails have been created along gently slopping sides of the forest. While the trails are relatively new, the plants en-route them are as old as time. In between them are trees that still quite young. It is great watching them mature over the years. There are open spaces too where you can have a mini-picnic as a ranger guides share with you intriguing facts about the birds that serenade the atmosphere with their soothing calls.  

Most importantly, Nkuringo is one of the core Pleistocene refugiums of Bwindi. Thanks to its dense vegetation cover, this southern section of the park offered protection to most of Bwindi’s flora and fauna during the unforgiving ice age. Thanks to it, over 400 plant species outlived extinction and can easily be seen in both rainy and dry seasons. These include Medium altitude forest, Moist ever green forest and High altitude forest, also known as Afro montane forest due to its limited vegetation. It further double as a water tower, availing mineral rich water to wildlife. 

Nkuringo features a range of walking tracks, with really captivating vantage points from which you can view the fascinating montane plants and colourful flowers. Its on the world stage for providing Uganda with a show piece like no other with a vista of trees over many acres of land that nature has been generous to. 


If you wish to encounter the most unique birds of Uganda while gorilla tracking, Buhoma is worth a star recommendation. It hosts most of the 350 recorded species to whom Bwindi is home, inclusive of the 23 Albertine endemic  including Neumann’s warbler and blue-headed sun-bird. This is thanks to its endowment with Mubwindi, a pristine swamp that is blessed with abundant food/plant species.  The Rwenzori turaco collection is unexpected and simply stunning. There are lots of forest specials to see while meandering or hiking. These include African broadbill, Many-coloured bush-shrike, Black bee-eater, Handsome francolin, Black-billed turaco, Grauer's broadbill, Black-faced rufous warbler, Cinnamon-chested bee-eater, Black-faced warbler, Blue-headed sunbird, Rwenzori apalis, Mountain masked apalis, Yellow-streaked greenbul, Purple-breasted sunbird, Regal sunbird and Shelley’s crimsonwing among others.

This Northern section of the parkis dominated by low altitude vegetation and an African Mahogany forest, together with the Newtonia buchananii. Towards its sorrounding Ishasha and Ihihizo river valleys, you will find a rich concentration of Parinari. 

Buhoma is a great place for both travelers who want tough climbing challenges, and folks who want a more relaxed experience, probably because they have weak knees. It features both long and short trails, most of which are enroute Bwindi’s best kept secrets. Nature photography here as at its best due to the truly picturesque set up, with an extensive area with hectares of scenic waterfalls and ponds. It is hard to miss the different displays of wild fruits that boost the immunity of the 80 mammal species to which the park is home.  

The best part of the story is that you stand a chance of bumping into mountain gorillas as you hike through the forest. They love to hangout along the trails especially in midmorning, a perfect time for sunbathing. 

Back at the park headquarters, you will find plenty of space where your kids can flying kites.


If you love mountain climbing, a gorilla tracking excursion here is a must. It features a couple of steep slopes that offer an endearing mountain climbing challenge, rising from 1,160m -2,607m above sea level. The trails through relatively steep are easy to get around and better yet, the park is safe to visit anytime of the year. This follows the restoration of peace over two decade ago. This serene and beautiful place sits on the edge of a rift valley that nature created over 10,000 years ago. 

Its an absolutely enchanting place with abundant, lush, fogy rainforest’s accompanied by an intense variety of bird species, wildlife. I’d nominate Rushaga as the best place to view colourful butterflies, inclusive of three rare species found no where else on earth. The Charaxes fournierae never fails to impress, as well as Papilio leucotaenia and Graphium gudenusi. Altogether, it features over 200 recorded species, eight of which are endemic to the Albertine Rift Valley. 

Be aware that there are stinging nettles. Accordingly, you are advised to wear gaiters.

The remarkable views of the surrounding village will make you feel like you are in Outlander, walking through an ancient countryside. You will see beautifully thatched huts along well terraced slopes that feature irish potato fields. 

Rushaga is a short drive from Lake Mutanda, a stunning volcanic lake where canoerides excel. 


Ruhijja’s ever changing landscape attracts over 20,000 tourists each, several of whom are repeat visitors in quest for a quiet and reflective place. It is comprised of both a primary and secondary forest, both of which provide a peaceful environment for meditation. It abounds with huge variety of trees that suit the mountain environment and help reduce climate change. An absolute must for tree fanatics. 

The guides who will lead you during nature walk are knowledgeable and engaging. They live locally and have been watching the forest take shape since they were born. You will learn alot from them. 

The secondary forest is unforgettable for its regeneration through planting of  rare and endangered indegenous trees from all over tropical Africa. It features many diverse tree plantings, most not yet mature but absolutely beautiful. These include Nuxia congesta , Ficalhoa laurifolia, Maesopsis eminii, Hagenia abyssinica and Polyscias fulva. All of these are being planted to revive the pristine state of the forest following a devastating deforestation that consumed some of its parts before it was reclaimed from the community.  It is fascinating how their colours keep changing as different seasons come and go. 

On the other hand, the primary forest is equally huge, with a very varied collection of towering trees so there’s something for everyone. Several of these are over 300 years old and extra enormous. 

And the views of Virunga Mountains on a clear day are stunning. Nothing beats the thrill of watching the lava lake atop mountain Nyiragongo beautifully light up the sky at night. Where else in Africa would you behold such a treasure other than in Bwindi. 


Gorilla Tracking in Nkuringo Vs Buhoma Vs Ruhijja Vs Rushaga

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s 321sq km expanse is made of four wings, Rushaga, Ruhijja, Buhoma and Nkuringo. Beyond offering endearing gorilla tracking experiences, each of these zones is endowed with flora and fauna that have a wow effect on the senses. Here is what to expect of them ahead of your visit.

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Gorilla Tracking in Nkuringo Vs Buhoma Vs Ruhijja Vs Rushaga


September 2024
